Kohan's addictive gameplay and absolute graphics are one of the best RTS in a dept for the PC
and the Haroun arent really needed to build thier building cause it would build themselve While the The units arent much but each has a some thing great to it The Battles are really nice as you have to create a team,teams are usually built by instant or custom but while its good if one were to choose custom cause there are special troops that you cna place in there and you could actually attach a hero but each hero has weakpoint to it but if there isnt any hero thats available there would be a captain Titans are like catapult,juggernaut and ect but there are only three units to this,The titan as the leading group itself and two support units
if your wondering how i played my game hapily well try checking some of the game vedios cause that is actually how played the game cause my Graphics engine and Mega byte are very high The Campain is very nice and tuotorials are able to be remmembered while the cutscene and challeging mission is what that make the game good the game also has a some slight errors and unrealistic scenes
Some independent enemies are great,suitable for the battlefield and ech will give gold,extra units and ect
Graphics:The Grahpics are very impressice and very great for a depts of a RTS game that has a great environment and great lighting effects While Charecters and units are nicely done htey seem more impressice than Batlle For Middle Earth 2
The environments are nice and openfield are always a great place to go for a full scale war
Water detaild arent as bright nor do they seem to really impress me
Sound:The music are well done and sounds of sword fights,explosion,animal hounding,magic sonds environment sounds and voice acting are absoloutly impressive
some voice are very fitting to the units and charecters like for example the sound for shouting of the nighmare are very fitting
Value:The game used to be very expensive but eversince i got it yesterday i was shock to see that it was only 20 bucks and it was original too!!!!
while it used to be 40 bucks the money was worth 40bucks but buying for 20 bucks well......
it just felt wierd Reviews tilt:The game is one of the most entertaining RTS at its finnest
the game will truly be in the so called gamespot's "one of the most greatest games of all time" in 5 or 6 years from now