Put on your strap tight, and get ready for a addictive and frustrating ride!
So anyways, AGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH this game is going to make you SCREAM. I have never cursed more in my life then i did while playing this game, but dont get me wrong, its not bad, its just IMPOSSIBLE... unless you have a lot of free time like me.
you know what just talking about this is getting me pissed, lets start the review.
Gameplay 7/10
For now just ignore that little part up top, i was jsut expressing my feelings, so anyways, this game works very well. The physics were done wonderfully, the gameplay is just so smooth, you never really see games with controls that flow as well as this, very little complaints their. And the wiimote is perfect for this game, because it is the brick paste (dont know what its really called) in between this games smooth brick gameplay wall. The wiimote's sensors are very responsive and work very smooth, and my favorite part is this is the first game that i have played that you can kill your self the second you spawn by flipping the wiimote backwards and your ball just falls to nothingness and dies woo its a perfect stressreliver for a stressful game, but we are not getting into that now. So as you may have seen this is a marble game, and who doesnt love marble games? But this one is a little different, because not only do you have to finish the map, but you have to collect a bunch of orange little cristals in order to finish. And that causes one problem, whats a marble game without shortcuts. There are tons of short cuts in monkey ball (one of my favorite games) but since you have to collect all of these crystals you cant take the shortcut. And even trying a shortcut wont work because its so hard to jump your ball. Oh and thats one other miner problem, in this game, if your in the air too long, you die, witch sucks because you could be and inch before hitting land, and die, but not much of a problem unless you adventureus.
And also there are these little green crystals (curse them!!!!) that give you a secret unlockibles, such as extra levels and music. But in order to get them, you pretty much have to kill yourself (say goodbye to the medal) and restart the level all over again (sounds not that bad huh it gets a lot worse)
But thats the extreamly bad thing about the gameplay, levels are so HARD. Not just getting the green crystals, but finshing the level. Its not acceptible to take 21 min on a level thats par time is about 42 sec (yea pathetic you think, well lets see how you do) If your not up for an extreamly challenging game, and a huge headache, plz do not play this.
Graphics 9/10
This is the reason why i was waiting for this game so long, its graphics are very smooth and very attractive. The graphics fit the game perfect, and are pretty detailed as well. And the graphics help this game be so smooth, because they all blend together. I will use the the second level as an exsample, the second level is a food themed level, and when you think food themed level, you should want to eat the level yourself (well at least i do). So this level does a great job at making a food theme, because everything is perfectly colored, and bright, and made of food, that accually looks like food. This games probably one of the best looking games for the wii right now.
Sound 5/10
Ahh the sound section, the shortest and most underappresiated of all the others. This game does have some good sounds, such as when you are going over a metal fence for exsample, it makes a sound like your rolling over a metal fence ( i would know too, it was a bet dont blame me). But that doesnt mean there is some bad sounds in their, a lot of bad sounds. Each of the marbles make different sounds when rolling and hiting walls, but some of them are just stupid. Beware, if any marble says cute sound, it will just make a sound of that animal screaming in an extreamly high pitch, exsept for the dog, since they didnt have any dogs to tourture in the studio the had to use a human baby instead....
My favorite one of the sounds though is the car crush marble, its pretty much if you took a bunch of cars, compressed them into a ball, and threw them into buildings, lots of metal sounds and destrustions ensue.
Lifespan 6/10
Ok this game does have a very good lifespan, but it can be too frusturating to even want to play it any more, which just kills lifespan. But it does have a lot of levels to play, and tons of music tracks, marbles, and secret levels to bathe in for a while. But useually most of the unlockable marbles, are either one extreamly hard to control, two goes insanly slow, three are the same thing as normal marble with annoying sounds and look. But besides all that the multiplayer is fun, because you dont need two wiimotes, just a wiimote and a nunchuk, which rocks. And there is no difference in using the nunchuk either, it responds just as fine as the wiimote.
-Smooth Gameplay
-Great Graphics
-Tons of unlockibles
-annoying sounds
Rent, plz unless you are a pro marbler, or you really think you will like it, rent it plz