Well at first the game about as boring as mowing my lawn... however keep playing awhile, and you'll likely find it "does" grow on you. Here's a little tip: In the beginning, concentrate on taking classes, complete enough to get a decent job and get some decent income, give up on partying and happiness with your buds, and just work hard at getting a good career. (just as in real life aye?) Afterward there will be more time for making friends, buying stuff, and getting the girls! Also a cheat tip for the impatient: You can edit the file called "config.tx t" in the games /data folder, and change the amount of startup money, which takes away much of the early burden...much like having a rich uncle! :o)
Kudos is a most excellent life simulation game from Positech Studios, the genius behind Democracy. Unlike the Sims (or the Sims 2), Kudos takes a most awesome new angle on the simulating of lives in a video game, and all... Read Full Review
Kudos is an overall good game... just not a great game. It is like the Sims but without actually seeing and moving your character around in action. Instead you make point and click choices after reading your options. ... Read Full Review