"Kuon" is an interesting game, period. I expected this to be below average, but I was surprised by the story. Sure, it's common survival-horror fare with its monsters and strange occurrences... but all the exposition behind it kept me from giving up on the bizarre battle system. It takes some getting used to, that's if you have the patience. Past all that, the game looks really good and sounds fantastic. I also like the lack of lip-syncing, is it laziness on the team's part or a newfound concept? We'll never know...
Overall, if you can get this for cheap and you think you have the patience to tackle the battle system... by all means get it and enjoy it!
Why this game is so underestimated,i cannot understand. You can choose one of two characters to begin the game.The one is Utsuki,daughter of a local priest,and the other is Sakuya,a student of Utsuki's father. The ... Read Full Review
Most horror games requires players to beat the game just once to get the ending, Kuon on the other tries something new and integrates two playable characters and a Japanese haunted mansion. Though its not revolutionary, ... Read Full Review