The only thing wrong with this game is the repetition.

User Rating: 9.5 | L.A. Noire X360
LA Noire is not your typical rockstar game. You don't go around killing people for no apparent reason. Your character Cole Phelps is driven by the story of the many cases you run through. The way you go through these cases is an instant classic. Interrogating people is almost a game within itself. The graphics are just amazing, the way the faces of the characters go with what they are saying blows the player away. The motion scan technology is a big boost for LA noire since no game has had it before. The only problem I have with this game would be the repetition of the cases. It seems that everyone runs from you and that all these criminals never give up. So you can almost snese what is ahead. Since the story is so interesting and intriuging it really doesn't bother me. Overall this game is very unique in the sense that no one has made a cop game like this one. It well deserves a 9.5 out of 10.