New Idea, gets old fast
+Playing as a cop feels empowering (siren gets annoying)
+Big city
+Interesting story
+It is rewarding when you solve a crime successfully with all clues and questions correct
+Offers a sense of being in 1940's clothes, weapons, cars, landmarks
+From what I understand pretty accurate 1940s LA
+Blood and violence adds to realism of brutal crimes
-City is boring, little interaction with city
-Repetitiveness of solving crimes/street crimes
-Can only pull your gun during action scenes
-Long cut-scenes cannot be skipped
-Few weapons
-Minor bugs and glitches (car stuck in poles)
-fighting is extremely easy
-I found it hard to tell if they were lying or not
Overall I felt like I had a lot more fun in Red Dead Redemption and Grand Theft auto, but LA Noire was definitely worth checking out and playing through, but I don't see myself playing much now after I have all the achievements.