L.A. Noire is a unique trip to 1940s Hollywood. Mildly flawed, but worth being played by just about anyone.
The good:
-Gorgeous, detailed city of 1940s L.A. is the star of the show.
-Facial scanning is almost flawless and the actor's performances are great.
-Fairly decent length and some extra content to keep you playing after you finish it once.
-Wonderful soundtrack, but some particular scores are overused throughout the game while other more superior tracks could be played.
-Simply driving around is enjoyable if you like to admire the detailed scenery and find cool hidden vehicles.
-The storyline is fairly original, and occasionally thrilling, most of the time. The characters are also pretty good.
The bad:
-Storyline feels brief and undeveloped at many occasions, leaving you asking questions and very confused.
-Cole's character could have had some extra story moments so we could learn a little more about him, especially more about his family.
-All female hairstyles are either up-dos, or tied back hair. It's really unrealistic and it's obvious hair wasn't like that for girls in the 40s. It probably had something to do with the facial scanning, but it did bother me just a bit.
-Odd behavior from civilian and vehicle AI. Such as: Running away from a fast moving car that is more than 10 feet away, cars beeping at people crossing at crosswalks at red lights, random insults coming from passing-by civilians.
-Fistfighting criminals instead of directly apprehending them is ridiculous. Having a formal fist fight with someone you could just as easily tackle and slap handcuffs on is just weird.
Anyway, this is what I thought of this game. I'd give it an 8.3/10. It's worth picking up.