If you are having trouble sleeping I highly recommend this game.

User Rating: 5 | L.A. Noire X360
So I played this game through and after finishing it the only reason it got a 9 by a lot of reviewers is it is a rockstar game and they always get good reviews because of a general fanboy type mentality when it comes to their games. GTA 4 did not deserve a 10 just like LA NOIRE does not deserve a 9. This game is one of the most boring games I have ever played, there are glitches such as vertical tearing and slow rendering at times (yet this is never mentioned).

The huge thing about this game is facial expressions, if I want to be impressed by facial expressions I will go talk to well real people. I want to do stuff in a game that I could never do in real life, I do not mind a game having an aspect of realism to it but this game is just plain boring. You spend half the time staring at your journal picking out clues, then the remaining majority of the game is talking to people and staring at their face to see if they lied. But don't worry if you choose wrong a nice little sound comes up to let you know that you chose poorly. That is so realistic its amazing, yesterday I was interviewing a girl for a position at my job. She said that she lead her company in sales for 3 years, I selected the truth response and what do you know she was lying thank god for that bloop noise or I would have never known. So naturally I did not hire her.

The graphics are amazing in this game for the most part, I did notice a few times when they did not render right away, and some vertical tearing. If this were any other game it would have gotten ripped apart for this. The driving is nothing special and neither is the gun play. Red Dead Redemption and GTA style ie the little white dot in your screen.

Then the black and white option they offer in the game has also gotten some high praise which I do not really understand, it is technically a leap backward in technology there is no need to applaud that. Although I am sure there are some Rockstar fanboys that will argue even that point with me. If B&W is better than why is everything in color is all I have to say to that argument.

The story in this game is ho-hum and it never really pulls me in anymore than the story of a bad cop movie.

Multiplayer, again many games such as Duke Nukem have been ripped apart on this site just because they offer little or no multiplayer. Unless I missed something this game has no multiplayer to speak of, yet the reviewer is ok with it, hmm bias or bribery haha..