This game is original, innovative and have great atmosphere/story. It is not for everybody but it sure is for me.
You probably know whats the deal by now. You are a cop that is solving some criminal cases and do everything you would do if you have been in his place. And that is what makes this game so magical - the immersion. You truly feel like you are there solving some crime puzzles. The revolutionary technology with capturing faces of the actors and putting them to the game with every move, smirk etc in 1 to 1 scale helps A LOT. This is the main part of the game - yea you also have some chases (meeh), shooting parts (mediocre), and evidence hunting (quite interesting but gets repetitive) but this is what you will remember the most. This is truly amazing because of the technology - you actually feel like you interrogate real human being rather than some random video game character. Actors did a great job. I wonder if sometime in the future we gonna review the characters based not on graphics but the actors who were "playing" them. This game is a big step in that direction.
This game has is flaws, visuals are ok but nothing special (everything besides faces looks rather mediocre), there is nothing to do besides main story line - sure there is some "street crimes" but they are mostly random chases, or "shoot out the bad guys" parts - the problem with it is that L.A. Noire as an action or racing game falls very short so I found myself avoiding street crimes mainly because I was hooked so much in main story that I didn't want to waste any time away from it.
Its not the game for everybody too. Its an adventure game - one of the kind but still. If you want some action similar to GTA series - you gonna be very disappointed. This is the game for people who are not afraid to try something truly new and can appreciate sometimes slow but very hooking and atmospheric gameplay.
So if you are that person - check this game out. You will probably love it as much as do