This game proves that there are still ideas who could show the door to this fps.

User Rating: 9 | L.A. Noire PS3
I bought La noire acouple of months ago. I started playing it and I was amazed by its quality. The first thing I liked was the music. From the menu the game was showing that it has some pretty good music for the fans of jazz. It has been beautifuly covering the whole game. The graphics it are amazing for a console and the most amazing thing that all the sites have shouted for months is this motion capture. It is pretty damn amazing and it helps in a lot of ways for interogations ans interviews throughout the game. Sad the quality of the faces doesnt keep up with the graphics but when you see the game as whole you dont care at all. The story is memorable and it shows all the bad things about people and society at that time. The ending is one of the best I have played in any game and dont let anyone tell you the ending because you have to discover for yourself to seee the whole magic of the game. The voice actings are very believable and it sure ads in the quality of the game and it helps you in much investigations. One thing that in my opinion rockstar should have done is make the game to let you take a drive around the city and not just go from one point of the map to the other. Besides that minor -for me- flaws the game is amazing and it is so so bad that team bondi has closed because we need more gems like LA noire.