Strong And Deep Impact Of Storyline,With The Great Sensation Of Noire.
first of all I have to say that I enjoyed this game very I need to explain my reasons for it.
at the very beginning of the game when you see the little cutscene and the music kicks in,its very confusing because you really dont know what to expect from the game,and we dont know if we are getting the same GTA like gameplay or anything like those.Its very new to have this sort of game,and no body has a clue what it will be about.I can remember I was at first thinking that this game is something like the mafia game in which you play as a kid growing up to be a mobster and its the 60s and so on.But it really proved me wrong,and to this day that I have finished the game, I still think about how it could have all been different.
The rockstar is an amazing team, it will never stop with all the new features and ideas,i mean they are one of the most innovative game developers I know.
Who could have thought that the motion capture could be used that way and if so why didnt we see it used before?of course Rockstar games company always takes risks in their projects and has different views in the gaming field,never the less it will constantly surprise the gamers with what they have to offer.
Yes iam more or less pointing my fingers at the new face motion capture feature used in L.A Noire.What can I say,is that the change is just there for you to examine.
The reason we didnt see this feature or even think about it,was a lot to do with the technology I think,but there was no excuse for other game developers to not use it,this new face motion capture will be dominating this generation later on, and we will definitely be able to see more for sure on the next generation or even this one if we are lucky.That was one thing,the other point I wanted to talk about in this review here was that,this game actually needed such a technology for its gameplay and the whole game basically,so what we just saw here was a game company creating a new idea and style in a new game and inorder to fulfill the needs of their game, they brought about and used a new feature to fit it perfectly.If you think about it altogether,you must see a life like face to detect and tell yourself if that facial expression is just simple nervousness or is it an
act of coverup for the lies they are saying in their statements.
I think you are getting the picture here.If you dont know by now,this game isnt your normal action shooter game, in which you seek to be able to see shootings and cars blown up,driving recklessly and running over pedestrians with your new car!nope you wont see any of that.You are the detective,and your duty is to look for/solve murder cases,you get to go around and ask questions from the suspects,analyse and get the people's statements to solve these cases.Again you need the life like faces just like the game gives to examine different answers.
Those who have been up to date with how Rockstar plays,will know for sure that they always give the players the open word experience with many different forms,we see this like any other Rockstar project from this point of view.As soon as you get into the game you see a lot of differences,for example when you are in the street and you get close to people, you see them as perfect 3d models animated and so on.What people fail to see is that these 3d models look very different from far away almost look 2d like animations of people walking.I found another interesting factor here, which is that when you look at the lamp posts as you drive in the streets of classic L.A there is an invisible tag around it, if you look closely,this tells me that some of the things we see here is either 2d rendered as 3d or something like that,or it could be something else maybe because the game is very large and has a lot to render and it puts 3d objects in a priority when it wants to show them,just my view nothing serious though.
In here you have to actually drive good to get better points at the end of each chapter.So bad driving equals more points lost.This is new for sure,its like a GTA with limited domain and range either for driving or shooting.Anyhow as for the weapons you cannot get what you want in L.A.NOIRE, you have a pistol and thats all.Sometimes during missions when the shooting breaks out you might find, long ranged weapons such as a machine gun or one of those old shotguns.But we seriously dont see alot of choices for guns and it almost feels like the game is telling you, that you DO NOT NEED a gun for this game.
The goodness in L.A Noire doesnt end right here there is so much to talk about ,first though I wanted to talk a little about the way the story unfolds.In the story it seems that it is trying to tell you something very deep, so i probably want to have a great narration ,maybe one of those situations where the narrator isnt making as much contact as it should.What I mean to say is that,since we are playing as a character in the game we should be told a lot more of the self thinking/talking Cole Phelps dialogues and to know exactly what is going on in the mind of Mr. Cole Phelps,sad thing is that we dont get that as much as we should,the only speeches and dialogues we mostly hear are those that Phelps is saying with his partners in the game or a few very short sentences he says when he finds a relevant clue in different places.
Other aspects of the story is that it is kind of happening very fast and you sometimes cant really catchup with the story and since the story is a long one you sometimes feel left out from the game.One thing I loved about the story would be the Bold Comparisons it makes from the past of Cole Phelps in the army to the ones that are happening in front of your eyes in the big city.I also liked the way Cole feels after a while in the game where he just doesnt care about the murders anymore now he got bigger things to worry about a whole system in front of him which is bothering Cole a lot more than the everyday murder investigations.At one point during the game everything starts to not make sense and that is when another character is playable for the story,which I absolutely didnt get.There was a great story but im not sure I liked it all,nevertheless I loved to experience such an intense story line and such a vibrant and sometimes dull story line that made you want to cry for more to understand more.I can almost call it depressing in a good way.
And quickly I wanted to talk about the graphics and a few other features I thought was interesting.Investigating different scenes for clues can be fun at first but the more you do it the more relevant it gets and maybe the fun aspect of it starts to disappear.The game needed to offer more distinctive ways of find the clues at the crime scenes.There where huge amounts of items and 3d models in the game which to be honest shocked me,so many items put on to different locations to make you feel welcome and to make that scene stand out even more.I still have a few problems with the ending and the way some features worked and some didnt work, but I pretty much enjoyed all the time I spent playing this game.
One last note would be about the buttons setting,sometimes during your game experience you find a new item you can examine the item you have in your hand by simply rotating you analog stick which was very bad indeed,you cant do this properly with the analogue stick,could have been better if it had another ways maybe to examine items,such as pressing a button or even use Kinect or PS move,a lot of ways to make the game more playable would have been awesome.
Never the less I did fall in love with this game it was brilliant experience just what you expect from Rockstar,most of the things here are new features ,dont like all the features but some of them really surprise you because you clearly have not experienced those qualities in any other games before this.
It is defiantly one of those games that any gamer should have in the games collection.Depressing yet effective.Hope You Enjoyed The Review