LA Rush, or the game that features "The Crew From WestCoast Customs" as you may have heard has to be the most boring game i've ever played. The plot is that you are a street racer, one of the best. But after you return from someplace, you see that your cars have been stolen by gangs. You basically have to race you way back to the top and get your rides back. This game is too much like the NFSU series, but i do love that series because it's original. The biggest let down for me was that when you go to `pimp your ride` you don't have anything to do with it. It does it by itself. Unlike the NFSU series where you actually can do whatever you want to the car and improve the performance. In this game when the cars done up, all it does is look shinier, the performance is the same. The sound on this is terrible as shown when ryan (owner of Westcoast) talks. He sounds horrible. My advice is don't buy it. And if you have it, return it before it's too late.
Well to me it looks great, i havnt got it but i would consider playing it anytime!, the graphics look flawless and gameplay looks GREAT this game achieves a lot one thing this game is good for is its sense of freeness th... Read Full Review
LA Rush basically stands for Lame A** Rush 2 Sequel. I didn't mind the game itself, but the overall quality of it was about as gritty as sand paper. The graphics are worth about nine claps and the audio qualities were su... Read Full Review