A beauitful game with beautiful music that falls short of great because of minor issues w/ control, targeting and camera
The story is compelling and the world is rich with a history to make you feel as if this world is real.
To get right to it ,with the controls, either you'll like them or you'll hate them. With a steady hand a patience the controls are very easy to master. If you get frustrated easily this might not be for you but if you can take about 5 minutes and just relax it's easy to get into and makes a more immersive experience. The sixaxis controls are responsive and will work well if you give them a chance.
The camera isn't great and can lose control and become disorienting at times. But it doesn't hinder gameplay so it can only be minor annoyance at times. The targeting system also isn't the best at times will lock on the wrong enemy. Such a case as when I was trying to target tauros on the bridge and enemy dragon would swoop across the bridge and I'd target and attack them by accident.
But overall it's a good game that took a lot of heat because of the hype behind it. It has its faults so it can't be considered great but it's also not an awful game and can still provide an enjoyable playing experience despite claims that it's completely broken.