So by now everyone has probably read most of the LAIR reviews, and most people are probably a little scared to buy it. It has been established all ready by most reviews that the graphics, music and sound effects are superb this is all true. The real debate is about the control scheme. YES, you can only use the six-axis to control yourself ingame. For me it wasn't that bad, it was actually pretty interesting to see a game try something new. Once you get a hang of it and understand the movements it becomes alot of fun and very rewarding. Unlike in the gamespot review I have not had any problems with my dragon turning left when I tell it to turn right and vice versa.
There are a lot of reviews out there that are either flat out bashing the game, or don't give you enough detail as to WHY people think the game is so bad, however they are sadly mistaken. Since people like graphics so... Read Full Review
Lair got bad reviews from just about everyone when it was released, and the major complaint about the game was the controls. Now, with the release of the new PS store, Factor 5 released an update that just may change alo... Read Full Review