Skeptical at first; satisfied now.
At first, I did not know how to use the SIXAXIS in this game. It was frustrating; however, I kept on playing the game and the more I played, the more I got used to the controls. Pretty much all of the "professional" reviewers were complaining about the controls, saying they were not responsive. I completely disagree with them. To me, the controls are very responsive. It just takes time to get used to them. There's a good reason why Factor 5 put training missions on the game. Even my little brother (who is 9 years old) can control the dragon with the SIXAXIS (he even finished alot of missions that I could not). Seriously, is not that hard. I agree that having the option to use analog sticks would have been nice (and better for some gamers) but now that I think of it, I believe it would not be the same as using SIXAXIS. All in all, the gameplay is great. There are some glitches, and sometimes it gets frustrating, but its not that bad.
If we talk about graphics, then this game looks awesome. The environments look amazing (specially the water). There is so much detail in the game. Sometimes the graphics don't look so awesome (thousands of little soldiers in the ground), however that's not a reason to say the graphics are not good. If you have an HDTV with your PS3 connected via HDMI, then you will be blown away by how great this game looks (at first I had played with AVI cables; then I received the HDMI cable I had ordered a week ago and I must say there is a huge improvement in graphics). To truly enjoy this game I recommend an HDTV with HDMI.
When it comes to the music, I have to say it is up there with "The Lord of the Rings" films. Yes, the music is one of the best things in this game. It fits the game perfectly and lets you feel you're in the game. It really motivates you. I absolutely love it. The voice acting is good, and the sounds of the dragons are actually great. The story is good. It may not be the most complicated story in the video game world, but it is not bad either. After finishing the game I felt I needed to include it in my collection. That's why I got it today. It's worth it.
This is not a fact, is just my opinion. Don't go out and buy the game just because you read this. The lesson I learned is: never trust someone else's opinion. While some may agree that this game is good, many can complain that it is not. It may not be the best game ever, but certainly ain't the worst. What I suggest is to try the game for yourself (please, rent it first or if there's ever a demo, play that). I was about to miss a great title just because many people agreed that this game was not worth getting. Glad I rented it.