Tragically flawed.

User Rating: 7.5 | Lair PS3
Lair looks and sounds amazing, despite the textures making me a little dizzy playing 3 feet away from my non HD-Tv. I rented this game saying I want to try it, despite what reviewers say. The six-axis flight controls are awesome, in my opinion. It is the clunkiness of dragon on dragon combat, and the erratic camera that really keep this game from being a true gem. The story so far is sub-par. After 3 missions, I know nothing about Roan, the character you play as, so why should I care about him. The Asylian-Mokai conflict is epic, however, and the creatures are out of this world fan-freakin' tabulous! But your rush kind of dies when you see a giant manta troop transport, a living being, explode in shards of shrapnel rather than fall clumsily to the ground. Why does every enemy need to explode? All in all, rent Lair first. If you can get past the camera, buy it.