You _almost_ need to see this.
I once saw a "10 worst video games of all time" article in a gaming magazine. If this article had come out just a few years later, this thing might have topped them all.
The game itself is based loosely on the movie "Land of the Dead" by George Romero. The action of the game is somewhat akin to stop motion retards dressed in zombie costumes.
The game could have easily doubled its score in my opinion, and thus the value of the game, (Putting it somewhere between a 2.0-3.0) if ANY thought WHATSOEVER had been put into the hitbox programming, and by that I mean it's non-existent.
Of the many weapons in the game (And there are a semi-respectable amount), none of them do much damage, and none of them are consistent, and with none of them can you get consistent reactions from shooting zombies certain places. A wild shot in the foot with a revolver may well down a zombie while 5 headshots with a shotgun leaves him still coming after you.
With the above gun problems and the hideous shortage of ammo throughout most of the game, melee weapons are really your best bet, and oddly enough, they seem to me much more powerful and reliable. I was able to decapitate a zombie almost every time with my fire ax.
The story is long, but that doesn't turn out to be a good thing, as it also has no plot to speak of, and isn't worth mentioning save for its laudable lack of existence.
The graphics could be worse, but are definitely not on par for the time it was made. Zombies come in a small variant, environments are bland and uninspired. You are definitely on a set path a la 'rollercoaster' first person shooter, and there is no deviation from that path or strategy involved.
Multiplayer is worth avoiding, as it only presents a short collection of survival type levels that highlight the bad features of the game like playing, shooting, and running around in an extraordinarily boring way.
But like I said, you almost have to play this thing just to know what I'm talking about. There are some bad ones out there, but you'd think that, given the high budget movie and the era it was made in, it really couldn't be THIS bad. But I'm not joking, you have to play a game like this just so you know what bad REALLY is. Have fun.