Rent don't Buy heres Why.
Maybe George A. Romero approved this title to launch because it was his first video game, I don't know. But I just dont see it making any Die-Hard fans crazy about buying this game.
The game takes place a little before the movie and you play as some country hick trying to survive this horrific terror of walking dead people.
You make you way through your farm and some country to the city. when you get the the city you find out there is a City of the Living. You find a boat to take you to this city and when you arrive you are hired by Mr. Kaufman who wants you to clear out this huge skyscrapper renamed Fiddler's Green so he can build a rich only empire as in the movie.
The movie wasn't all that great either but it was cool to watch. (again another rental) Basicly if the story of the game would taken part of the main chacters, Riley (Simon Baker) or Cholo (John Leguizamo) in the movie the game would have turned out a lot better. Something makes me think that George A. Romero had nothing to do with the making of the game or it story line.
Basicly Rent it if you get bored with everything else but with all the Holiday games releasing I don't see that happening.
Thank you for you time.