This game is a MUST for ANY George Romero´s fan!!!
User Rating: 8.7 | Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddler's Green PC
Ok, I´ve been playing this game for a few hours now and all I can say is DAAAAAMN, this is one scary **** game...I´m telling ya if you´re fan of zombie movies, specially George Romero, then THIS IS THE GAME, The enviroments for this game are really scary because you get the feeling of being alone all the time, no living around and with the scary music at the background makes it even scarier, the music pretty much resembles the ones from Tom Savini´s remake of "Night of the Living Dead". Watch out, dont run, just be careful, because when you less expect BAM...a zombie pops out to bite your sorry ass, and believe me they show up when you LESS expect. I´ve to admit that I called my friend **** last night because he said he jumped of the chair, but damn he WAS sooo right, YOU WILL JUMP of your chair, I can asure you. This game will really get you in the feeling about being alone in the world trying to make your way through the zombies. There´s one specific level where you have a plan to escape from the Police Station and you will find another guy named "Otis" and he have a plan to escape, but you gotta cover his ass...This is by far the coolest mission, you will feel like you´re in the "DAWN OF THE DEAD" movie, when Fran is taking down some zombies from the Mall rooftops with her rifle while giving some cover to Peter and Roger while they barricade the doors with the trucks. This game is pretty much like you the films, if you can save the ammo, DO IT, get your baseball bat or fire axe and destroy any zombie who attacks you alone. You wont find any problem finding ammo, but ya never know. My favorite guns so far are the sniper rifle, shotgun and revolver, they do some major damage to the walking corpses, you can blow their heads off, disable their legs or arms. But also have fun blowing out some of them with grenades or burning them to the ground with molotovs. I haven´t finished the game yet, but I can asure you, if you´re a George Romero´s zombie films, you will have alot of fun with this game and feel part of them. Dont let people convince you this game sucks, because IT DOES NOT, it´s really cool, the graphics are not the BEST, but really good for an average FPS game, the main point of the game is to let you FEEL how would be if you were living in an world taken by zombies, to put you in the situation of save your own ass all by yourself, you have no one to count but on YOU. How many times have you asked yourself or friends "What you would do in a zombie situation?" or "What would be your favorite weapons?" So, that´s it, this is YOUR CHANCE to experience the scary world of zombies from YOUR OWN point of view. Well, that´s all for now folks, now it´s time to get back to the game, I still need to make my way to Fiddler´s Green. Final word? Two thumbs for Groovy Games. Later.