Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddler's Green is a waste of time,money, and brain cells.
Let's start with the single player. To describe the single player in one word, I would probably choose, "Bland". Everything about the game is mediocre, from sound effects to graphics.
Let's start off describing the game with the gameplay. The gameplay of this game is confusing, sloppy, and buggy. Your character has a very slow paced walk, and there is no run button, so you will often get annoyed by how slow you walk. The aiming reticle is the same for all weapons, and often times, it is way too large. This, strangely, makes it very tricky to aim with, and most of the time, you won't want to be using guns at all. The controls are all pretty sloppy and confusing as well, so they are nothing like Halo's or Doom 3's controls. Not even close. In fact, they are so confusing that I don't even want to talk about them anymore, so I won't. The general feel of holding and firing a weapon in the game feels nothing close to real and it is all just very weak.
Second, we will go over the graphics. Here is a brief statement about the graphics. "The game looks like it is being played on a Nintendo 64. You will hardly believe you are playing this game on a microsoft system." From reading that statement, you should get the general idea. But let me explain further. The enviroments look like total garbage. In many levels, including cornfields, and houses, you can see horrible pixels in everything, and nothing looks realistic whatsoever. Textures of enviroments, characters, and weapons half the time don't turn out right, and I will say again, if you look at the graphics closely, all you will see is a bunch of fake-looking pixels. Bleh. The game looks and plays like trash so far. Let's go over everything else and see what we discover.
Third subject will be the sound. Once again, "Bland". The sound effects sound like they came from a Super Nintendo, which would mean that the sound is indeed, worse than the graphics. Let's start with the music soundtrack. In pretty much every level, only one song will be played throughout the whole entire mission. So, when the song is over, there are a few seconds of silence, and then the same song starts all over again. Now what kind of game developer could do that? One that is lazy, and wants to release his game as quickly as possible, because he is crazy about getting his money without even knowing what's coming. Second, we have the weaponry sound effects. Awful. You will carry a large shotgun and assault rifle every now and then. Just before firing the massive weapons, you will be anticipating a loud, brutal shot. Instead, you get this weak, tiny little "bang", and half the time, you hear the gunshots at the wrong time. So, you'll shoot your gun, and about 2 seconds later, you hear the gunshots. LAME. Third, we have the character voice overs. hahaha, can you even call these character voice overs? I wouldn't think so, but obviously the developers think the opposite. The enemies will lightly grunt every now and then, but they are so weak, you can barely hear them. Whoever the sound effects director is of this gane should be fired immediatley.
Value. Not much value in this game, even for only 30 bucks. The game does contain online multiplayer for 8 players, but it's not even close to worth playing. The main gametype is co-op, but I think a few "deathmatch" type games were thrown in there as well. The xbox live lags alot, the menus never work well, and it is just overall low-budget garbage. The xbox live maps are all taken from the single player levels, so they are nothing new. Just more bland, pixelated enviroments. All the weapons are included in the multiplayer, which include some machine guns, pistols, rifles, and a bunch of melee weapons including hammers, ladders, and axes. I guess the online multiplayer is a wee bit better than the single player, just because you get a little bit of a challenge.
My tilt of this game. I pretty much HATED it, just in case you couldn't tell. The campaign is mostly pretty easy, besides putting up with all the glitches and bugs. So if you get past the bugs, we're talking about a 5 or 6 hour game. The XBL is worthless and laggy, and not worth playing whatsoever. The controls are sloppy, the music is lame, and the gunshots are awful. The graphics are muddy and extremely pixelated. Basically, EVERYTHING about the game is made wrong, or pretty much not finished being made at all. This game is a no-go, for any FPS or survival horror fan. OH wait, survival horror? This game is barely horror, in fact, the game is never scary at all. There may be a few "surprising" moments, but never any gritty, horror-like moments. Xbox and Xbox live users, do yourself a favor, and stay away for the zombies on this one.