The Zombie shooter, still in it's early stage?
Good-The graphics improved only 9% better than the Xbox could on Pc, Online multi-player is avalible on the Pc only, The chilling atmosphere sends chills down ones spin, and out burst of zombies makes you chilly... or so they were made to do... most of the time.
Bad-Well the hit detection is B-R-O-K-E-N, the zombies do the worst job trying to kill you, when you get hit by a zombie you get glitched under the A.I. until you glitch out. The weapons are either too weak or very overpowered in some cases the rifle you start out is a poor weapon, oh and also you keep it till the end of the game. The Shotgun is picky with it's poor hit ratio. The Revolver is extremely self aware it'll take out the zombies when it feels like it. The Glock is a fast little bugger, but it take a half to a full clip to kill them zombies. The M16 on the other hand is the only machine gun in the game and it acts like the Revolver too. The Sniper rifle is like the most powerful gun in the game but it lacks the fire power to take zombies out from the body. And the 50 Cal gun is only used once and it's a joke. The Ingame music is chilling but it sounds like the early game system remix's thing, ther are little to none on multi-player these days, and I can talk about this all day long... But I can't.
So the Game isn't really the must have.If I had the chance to remake this game, Better graphics, much better hit detection, and of course the Zombies. ooooh!
But in there is a small sequal to Fiddler's Green, Day of the Zombies.
Pretty much not reliable either but the weapons and music is much better.
Final score 2.0 bad game.