Scary As Hell. A -definate- must for Romero fans. Also an excellent movie game (A rare thing indeed). :D
Bought "Land Of The Dead: Unrated" on dvd the night it came out and tossed it into the DVD player when I got home. Opening previews began and there she was. A video game centered around the -Romero- zombie universe.
Freakin sweet.
I purchased the sucker as soon as possible from the nearest Gamespot and commenced with the zombie fun.
I've never really had to much experience with first person shooters (Heck, I think the only one I had actually played prior to this was called "Corridor 7" for the pc. Trust me, it's old :p) but I could safely say that I could -easily- handle the controls with my mouse and keyboard.
The graphix were pretty decent and didn't tax the crap out of my computer. For those of you that don't have the computer-equal of the xbox 360 or ps3, you might -actually- be able to play this one! :O!! WOW!
The Romero movies have always had a bit of eeriness to it. They were never really "jump-out-at-you" scary so much as they were psychological (which, in this gamer's opinion, is all that matters). This installment into the dead series has a wonderfully-horrifying blend of both. At night, with no light except your computer screen, this game will have you dreading every corner. Especially if you've the need to conserve ammo because, in most zombie cases, having to go hand to hand would kinda suck for you. :p
If you're a graphix elitist(sp) or expects their fps to be full of pulse pounding constant action, this game is not for you, and that is very, very sad. :P
For those of you who prefer a game that sucks you in and scares the hell out of you, buy this, you won't be disappointed.