This game is NOT that bad!
Keep in mind that this game was made with a shoestring budget. With that in mind, this game is at least entertaining, and actually ENJOYABLE to a person who enjoy blasting the crap out of dead people.
The hit detection is wacky. Sometimes you go for a head shot and their arm blows off. But still, their arm blows off in a mass of gore. That's kind of cool, and it give you an excuse to shoot them again, and isn't that why we are playing in the first place? To blast the crap out of zombies? Of course it is.
The graphics aren't the greatest, but they aren't nearly as bad as the review makes them out to be! The zombies look decent, lots of blood, and i like the animations of the guns reloading, even though they can be time consuming in a pinch.
I don't know what the reviewer is smoking when he says how wretched the music is. Yes it is redundant, not overly complicated, and not on Splinter Cell level. But this is a BUDGET GAME, and must be judged as such. The music, while simple and redundant, is ultimately successful at its primary job: being SPOOKY. That is what is important in this type of title. The music will put you on edge and besides, once the zombies start coming, you will not be thinking of the music; You'll be too busy blasting the crap out of zombies.
It IS cool how the zombies will follow you from room to room, and even bust down doors you have closed separating you from them. That leads to tense moments as you search for health or ammo while they are brutalizing the door trying to get in.
So again, this is a low priced budget game, and for what it is it is good. I personally enjoy it very much and can overlook the flaws that it has. But a rating of 2 is downright unfair and completely inaccurate. Like i said in the title of my review; it's not THAT bad! You want to know what a budget game with a crazy low rating really is? Try playing the Marine Sharpshooter games and THEN come play Land of the Dead. Then Land of the Dead WILL feel like Call of Duty 4 by comparison.
DO you like zombies? You like blasting zombies? Buy this game. It has "Guilty Pleasure" written all over it.