This is the title that drenches itself in the blood of millions of fans around the world. An absolute betrayal.
Now after playing it for 8 hours I only found it hard because of the ass controls and I really hate it when a game becomes hard by handicapping the player but when in game these type of controls is a design choice...that's a new low in game design (apart from the built-in lag on the Tron level on Saint's Row The Third...the f*** was that about). However their are only two good things about this game, the story and music, the rest is s***...THAT'S WHAT IT IS!
The casting is just horrible also with unconvincing dialogue that makes the movie Battlefield Earth worth a watch. And let's finish with most talked about issue of the game which is the RPG mechanic. Why? WHY?!...*cough* Why do I have to break a door open so I can become strong enough to shimmy across a ledge I mean it's Lara f***ing Croft have you seen the size the buildings she can climb, hell, she'd even climbed out of a sinking ship in Underworld and that was the first stage.
I can not endure this pain any longer. My verdict for TR The Angel of "F**kness" is a 2...2!! out of 10. A terrible game.
Now if you excuse me, I've got a bit of business to take care of.
"The Tomb of Core Design, 5:53 pm"
*Throws game into the tomb and detonates some C4 around the entrance burying it forever.*
I'm Big Daddy and I'll see you next time.