Not X-Com. Not even Laser Squad.
Sure, there is a squad to control, but it's not a collection of individual units with any kind of personality.
The control scheme is where the game is totally let down. It's a hybrid turn-based / real time affair that has been implemented before in many similar games, but done better in those similar games.
It's hard to find anything to recommend here. Sure, there is multiplayer. That's the main draw of this title. Heck, there wasn't even a single player mode until the game had already been operating online for months. So really don't even bother with this if you want a 1 player campaign.
The game is shallow, repetitive and lacks any kind of charm usually associated with the Gollop brothers.
If you have played X-Com or Laser Squad, you are better off looking at UFO : Extraterrestrials.
If you've not played X-Com or Laser Squad, then this is NOT for you anyhow. There are much better games out there to take up your time.
I wanted to like this game, or at least find something good to say about it, but I was unable to. AVOID AT ALL COSTS.