If i was arnie i would terminate this game
Even though the graphics are better than the games i have mentioned above, it only gives me a clue that the creators had more money when they made it, and that only contributes to its awfulness
In the game you control something i could only guess would be Arnold Schwarzenegger, but the dude you are controlling looks like a violated geezer. The foes you encounter are so tough, beating up only one of them will trigger a sense of happiness, only to be shattered when they come in packs, armed with bats and molotov cocktails, and your only means of defense is punching them, as the kick is to slow to hit them. If you are eager to beat this game you can certainly just forget that, as a timer runs away faster than ANY geek can beat
The only thing thats worth anything about this game, is the music. Its so poor you will sit and laugh, and then play the game again just to hear it
To sum up, STAY AWAY from this game, i can not stress that enough