By far one of the worst games iv'e ever played, horrendous hit detection is the worst culprit of this broken mess.
The first and biggest issue with the game is the absolutely horrendous hit detection. Its almost non-existent. I swear, it is virtually impossible to hit the enemies without getting hit first. This is caused by many factors, including...
1. Enemies have a much longer striking range than you
2. You cant duck and attack, you can only attack at one altitude.
3. The enemies will always hit you before you hit them
4. You have no guard
5. Enemies attack way faster than you do
All of these attribute to the horrid hit detection. The only way to kill enemies, is to run in front of them, then run away, wait for their attack to finish, then run in and hit them, then rinse and repeat. But this strategy hardly works because, like i said earlier, enemies have a much longer attack range, and they attack faster, so its next to impossible to get in there and land an attack without getting hit. I cant even get past the first level, even if I try as hard as I can.
The graphics and music are pretty bad to. The graphics aren't the worst iv'e seen, but their pretty lacking. The music is pretty bad, i don't mind the guitar tones, but the song's in the game loop over and over again. And the tracks are extremely short. So they get annoying. There aren't many sound effects, which is lousy because a beat em up needs satisfying sound effects, or else the action becomes stale (like it already isn't) The controls are also incredibly stiff, its hard to explain if you've never played it, but it feels robotic to move and attack, and your attacks and jump have a ridiculous delay.
I cant believe this game is as bad as it is. I got this at a flea market for 3$, so I wasn't expecting much, but this is worse than i could imagine. Its like the developers didn't test this game at all. I don't think anyone could test this and not say "hey, does anyone else realize this is the worst thing ever?" I would not recommend this game to anyone, stay away. the only thing that this game is good for, is for reference of what NOT to do when programming a video game.