Hard. Tedious. And FREAKING HILARIOUS!! If this game was called 'LOL NINJAS' it would kick ass.
When you start off your Sega, you get this MASSIVE SCROLLING TEXT which explains the storyline. Which doesn't really matter since this game is all about nut kicking fun.
Bad guys appear out of nowhere and you kick and punch them away.
Simple as pie. Hard as brick wall.
At first there are these ninja looking dudes with sharp things that cut stuff.
As you progress in the game, ninjas transform into other more brutal dudes that carry pointier cutting stuff. You also have boss battles.
The game can turn insanely hard. It WILL turn insanely hard.
Oh yeah, your dude loses his shirt a lot, becoming shirtless and showing off his OMG SIX-PACKETz.
But this game is really comical. That is it's selling point in my opinion.
You can defend yourself of incoming arrows (coming out of nowhere) by blocking them WITH YOUR BARE ARM!! Seriously, what the hell?!
Enemies fly off the screen in the most comical way ever!
Boss dies of inflation!
This game is MADNESS!!
You should really play this with a friend beside you if you want to LOL hard.
Technically, this game has average graphics and poor sound. Like many initial MegaDrive games.
I got this game from a friend. But from now on I'll rate my games in FUN, HARDNESS and VALUE, just like the following:
FUN: This game is loads of fun. Mainly because of all comical stuff that happens.
VALUE: I'd give 6 bucks for it.