Good, if you like Lineage 2 or Kal online
This game rocks if you like the "click and attack MMORPG's" It's very friendly with the Beginners cause it has a very detail world map. The prices are high for items so it adds a nice RPG element to it. Not much kill stealers, yet... Personally the best RPG ive played in a while.
The games graffics look a bit chucky, which to most people would just think "What is this guy talking about???" but if you have the specs to play Guildwars or WoW with no trouble, you will notice more chunky graffics, yet to the most part, there fine, just think a notch down from Guild wars, WoW, and Lineage 2.
I find most of my time is spent in a field killing and that levels later are hard to earn, yet not as hard as Maple Story, but it helps that its not 2D. May get repetitive like all games killing the same guy on the same field for hours.
Worth a try ;)