Very disappointed by this purchase. This is a below average adventure game. Not recommended for professional adventurers

User Rating: 5 | Last Half of Darkness: Tomb of Zojir PC
Oh come one. who gave this game 7-8 score? it sucks. The voice acting and sound mixing are terrible. not to mention the silly graphics. I think the creators of this game spent only a week or so to write down the script and design the game. even my grandmother and my new-born cousin could make a better game. This game is so not a good adventure game. They were some scenes that were scary but overall the game is hard to navigate through. I am just amazed what people think they have achieved? This looks like an MS-DOS era game to me. The creators need to grow up a bit and open their eyes to see the new platforms and operating systems. The sound quality is just surprisingly awful. I wish I could get my money back. This game is overrated. It is so not recommended for a professional over 30 yo adult. I'm beginning to believe that adventure game era is over.