Truth be told , I kinda wish I never bought this in the first place.
All right , chop-chop , I'd make this review snappy.
If I have to talk about the gameplay , it's honestly the day which I'd cry.
Gameplay-wise , it's pretty much just like any JRPGs - Turn Based and along with the typical command list.
However , the thing is , the developers just HAVE to try to make the game more complex than it is by adding a hell load of various parts on the enemy to hit and making it even more complicated by adding another load of rubbish amongst it all.
What's more , the choppy and mechanical graphics is really bound to burn your eyes out , even highly detailed sprites of older games prove to be better for the eyes.
Storyline-wise , I suppose it's actually pretty interesting , particularly since it's rare to see Nippon Ichi affliated with a more serious storyline.
Cutting to the chase , the game itself causes a serious heartache if you had purchased it.
JRPG fan or not , this game isn't really worth the money , unless you intend to try something really different ( In a way which you wouldn't like ) for the fun of it.