An awesome game for your free time.
In Latale, there are 5 classes. Each class specializes in one of the four stats in the game: Power, which determines flinch rate and damage capability; Stamina, which determines HP and defense capability; Magic, which determines something similar to Power (except with regards to magic damage and magic defense); and Luck, which determines Critical Rate and Item Drop Rate (IDR).
Warriors are the class of Power.
Knights are the class of Stamina.
Wizards are the class of Magic.
Explorers are the class of Luck.
Engineers are the Balanced class.
There are promotions on level 80 which are:
Warriors may become:
* Warlords
* Bladers
Knights may become:
* Templars
* Guardians
Wizards may become:
* Sorcerers
* Bards
Explorers may become:
* Treasure Hunters
* Gunslingers
Engineers may become:
* Meisters