This game is Way better than Maplestory or any 2D MMO at that! Check out my full review of your tale. La Tale!!!

User Rating: 9 | LaTale PC
Tired of playing your lvl 150 and above characters. Want a new MMO thats sorta like maple but sorta better? Well your in the wrong place because La Tale is WAY BETTER THAN MAPLESTORY!!!!! ive played maplestory for 3 years and and i can tell you its Way better! Latale is faster leveling and better skillz and gameplay!

Story: Latale HAS a story unlike maplestory, unless you count you running away from home and tryin to be some kind of hero a story. La Tale has scenario quests and normal quests. But unlike maplestory you have to really read it and understand what there asking you to do. 8.0

Controls: The way the controls are made is so that once you get log in you will probably be using the mouse 10% of the time the other 90% you will be using your keyboard. The default controls to me is very comforting and you will be used to it very quickly if your like me. So its a 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is MUCH better than maplestory. There are 4 classes Warrior(strength), Knight(Stamina), Wizard(Smarts), and Explorer(Luck). O yea did i forget to tell you your stats when you level up go in AUTOMATICALLY!!! that way you can never mess up, to me that is a great feature. Each class has 3-4 weapons to choose from. All classes can use knuckles which is more like brass knuckles, or weapons that are fist based. Warriors can use 2 handed swords, Spears, and Knuckles. Knights can use Knuckles, 1 handed swords, and blunt weapons comboed with a sheild. Wizards can used Daggers, Staffs, and Knuckles. And Explorers can use Daggers Knuckles, Bow and a Crossbow or called XBow. All skillz are weapons defined so a wizard and explorer will both use the same dagger skillz. Leveling is pretty easy. When you level you only get 1 skill point :( i kno sad but your 2nd job is at lvl 80 so your skill points will be enough in quantity to finish all your skillz. Now there are 4 types of skillz Weapon skillz, Normal skills (jump run hard attack normal stuff), Misc(mostly upgrades to your stats which you will need), and Emotioncons (expressions). Youll basicly put most of your skill points in weapon and misc. Emocons you get from book taht u can buy in the market or find from monsters. When your leveling you can grind most of the game but when you hit around your lvl 60s youll need to quest ALOT! The gameplay is OVerall a 9.0

Graphics: Graphics are cute and bubbly. you can look manly and dangerous and still be cute XD. The skillz look amazing and much better than most 2D MMOs for example a 1 of the Explorers 2nd job is a Gunslinger. He has a skill were he does a head spin in the air and shoots both ways. Its not choppy at all and welll executed. So its a 9.0 for graphics

Overall: This game is amazing i still play it and im not goin to stop untill I atleast hit my 2nd job and If i stop its because im taking a break to focus on school.(forgot to add PVP is awesome you have pretty much a chance to beat any level. They did a good job with that.) Overall it gets a 9.0

well its near the end of june and im still playing latale =D im a lvl 72-73 (so close to my next job T-T) and it is still as fun as ever! there is nao a place to grind on all lvls =D and with the constant double exp (when i say constant i mean every weekend constant) its easier to lvl =). Thier are now crafting which is a great addition always! their is also a relationship feature added. Now i know what some people are thinking, O GOD ANOTHER MAPLE STORY NOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' but no its not like that O_O. It is pretty easy to lvl just party up with ur partner and fight and log in at the same time as them and ull be a okay. U can also get married and with marriage comes buffs and stat upgrades >=D! only complaint about that is that some people as always take it to far and BLAST on the chat every nao and then I LOVE U [Instert name]!!! other than that it still is an amazing game! fun as ever and the new areas which are great bye the way is also another great addition.