An anime-inspired side scrolling experience. What separates it from the others?

User Rating: 7 | LaTale PC
LaTale is a sidescrolling mmorpg similar to others like Maple Story and wonderking.

The gameplay in LaTale takes some getting used to - in other words, it has a learning curve, although it is a short one. It does not have the "quickness" of Maple Story's controls. The server lag is also a problem that seems to mar the gameplay experience. While LaTale is mainly an RPG type of experience there are also social features. These features include dating and social types of locations such as clubs. There are also daily quiz events that test both LaTale knowledge and real world knowledge and points earned during the quiz can be turned into experience.

The graphics are gorgeous. The characters are most likely anime-inspired. The backgrounds have beautiful soft colors. Everything looks so soft in LaTale. It makes for a very cute game. The graphics should appeal to about anyone. The character customization starts off ok and with real cash one can really design a "smexy" character. The animations are sometimes a bit jaggedy - but usually they act smooth.

The music in the game does not fit in my opinion. Anyone can mute the BGM and add their own music, although.

The classes are generally the same although the first job advance is at level 80 - this can be quite the turn off. There is of course the option to grind to the max level which is 200.

-Review not complete-