Not all people who currently play LOA would think its a fair mmo. for the most part their is no one to actually help you when you have credit card issues. Their are far to many problems with the Cross sever being bugged far to often over all the game is far less balanced for people who are lower level. This game is mostly geared at those wallet warriors then people who actually want to enjoy a mmo that they can level on let alone get those items that you can not even touch. Their are diamond let alone your typical wallet warrior who will spend thousands daily/weekly for the highest items out of reach of people who are less richer then they are. This game has become so out of touch with the players needs that people are actually leaving this game. We can not compete with wallet warriors on a daily basis who's Battle Rating is in 500k - 1k mark. They are always in the number spot. No one else has a chance to get the number one spot spoiling the game for my self including others. This game is just unfair and unjust toward others whom have less. I wish some one would just sue these greedy morons. This game is less fun then the title suggest! Their are many items you need that you get so little of and it takes far to long to get your angels/warriors.mounts leveled any faster then your wallet warrior can do. and their just shooting up daily faster then any one else is. If you got the money then this game is for you, if not find some thing else that is not run by greed..
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