League of Angels is definitely the stepping stone for anyone who hasn't played any RPGs before. Its a free-to-play browser game which can be accessed from FB or the GTArcade site.
With an easy learning curve, where the multitude of features are introduced to you...you will not be overtly vexed to figure out what all the icons and clickies are doing around the screen. Within the first few days...even an amateur can figure out basic strategies to maximize gains.
Combat is turn-based...where positioning of heroes is the main strategy. Of course your equipment (with their more-than-5 different enhance .types), skills, upgrades, types of heroes all add in to the picture. Quests are simple with an easy-to-forget story line. PvP brings more challenge to the game. There are team and guild battles too, which would require more strategy.
As with most f2p games, you can shell out extra $$ to get more stronger, remove cooldowns and reap exclusive benefits. But as a non-payer you still have a lot of fun stuff to do in the game. As a non-payer, I have personally ensured some of the payers spend extra $$ during guild clashes xD
As the name suggests...you'll have an Angel initially which is STRONG!! She will help you through everything...and soon you'll have multiple angels which also require level ups, skill enhancements and upgrades (This applies to your heroes and mount as well). Thankfully the angels don't require equipment or socketing.
Easy to learn, fun to play... with a considerable amount of features. Initial 2 classes (warrior & mage) has already been updated to 3...with a new Archer class
Great artwork and music (Loading times are awesome in spite of this). Skill animations are cool too (this might cause lags at cross server battles)
Daily tasks and new events every so often makes it interesting (daily Quiz event makes you learn trivia even)
Challenges are higher at higher levels ensuring the player has to explore various methods to meet the challenge.
The whole game and its assortment of features are completely accessible with just left-clicks. Im surprised they haven't released it on Tablets yet.
As said earlier, no amount of hard work, skill or time spent..can match you up with a highly paid player for rare events or rare items.
Few persistent bugs (especially with cross-server events)...but the devs do compensate almost every time which makes it rather less annoying. The forum mods also update the status pretty regularly.
Some features look like they were made at initial stage and are still there compared to the other mini-games (There's Alchemy...where you just click a button!! At least ask to add 1 + 1)
Overall, I'd rate this game 9. Spend 30 mins at it...and you will definitely login the next day.