Simple yet complex, brilliant and underratted.
LoL is a MMO battle arena style game, that a LOT of people play. There's no doubt why a lot of people play it, it's fun! (and kind of addicting).
A lot of downraters will tell you that it's "too hard." That's because their friends tell them to play it, and they skip the tutorial and jump right into it! I had to play the tutorial twice, and do some battle grounds training. After that, there was really nothing to it!
Downraters will also say, "you need to pay money to play good champions..." Let me just say, that is total BS! I once saw a guy playing Master Yi, and he got over 30 kills in one game!
You can get Master Yi at the shop for about, 450 influence points? You can get influence points just from playing the game, I remember I got a LOT when I started out. The champions that you can get for 450 ip(influence points) are decent, and if you upgrade the rune and mastery pages, you're champion will be pro.
I ended up getting Ashe for 450 ip, why? I was already comfortable with her abilities due to the tutorial + battle training, and I liked how she could attack from a distance.
NOW get this, even though I'm not ultra good at LoL, I still have fun! People on LoL are actually very friendly(friendlier than what I've seen on most MMOs), and won't be d-bags if you aren't a complete f**king idiot!
Even the tutorial says, "If there aren't many minions left, get the f**k away from the turret!" If you are about to get ambushed by 3 enemy champions, use your abilities and run the hell away! Don't KS! (kill steal). Also, if you're about to kill an enemy and they start running towards the turret + a bunch of enemy minions, what are you gonna do... follow them? You can't kill them all.
An example of an idiot on LoL was this one guy (won't be listing names) who was watching me kill the minions and waited around trying to get the last kill. He ended up getting killed about 20 times? and no kills, one of the teammates said "wow you are such a loser, you cant play this game and you ****ing suck" So you see? Don't be an idiot and LoL will be fun for you, also don't be quiet, you will have to communicate with your teammates in order to win.
The main objective in the game is to destroy the nexus on the enemy's summoner platform(or base) so if you are starting out, i ask that you please(pleasepleaseplease) don't be focused on getting kills, and just go with the main objective!
Trust me, it's a lot more fun to take down the enemy turrets then it is getting killed! Only kill an enemy champion if it's fool proof, I usually get a decent amount of kills each game just from running into them, and finishing them off with an ultimate attack! Another good thing about Ashe is that she can freeze enemies, I always try to get her crit. chance and damage up before I kill enemies.
So NOW! Pros and cons...
-simple yet complex
-customizable rune pages + masteries and upgrades
-cool champions
-not noob friendly
I just started playing LoL again a few days ago. Let it be known that a while back, some friends told me to play this game and I HATED it. I decided to try it again with a more smart approach, and now I really like it.
To sum it up, LoL is simple yet complex, It's WAY better then a lot of free MMOs out there! If you haven't tried it, I suggest you do. Don't breeze through the tutorial and skim through all the usful advice, and don't forget to do some research and go on YouTube(or whatever) for extra tips! Hope this review wasn't too long(which it already is) but more helpful than other reviews on this site. Thanks! -Joe