What happens when you pick a Warcraft map and turns it in a stand-alone game ? Well, the same thing but more beautiful.
The visuals are simply great and the voice acting its good.
I really can't understand why is this game the most played in the world. There are better multiplayer games, with more to do and more to get by playing.
The great thing on League of Legends, its that the charaters are charismatic and this gathers the attention of the players, nothing else.
The fandom of the game it's lunatic, frenetic and hater. If you talk bad about LoL, they spank you.
I just keep asking why is this game so overrated.
Grand Chase (this game is crap) it's a better game than LoL, admit it.
Well, there's nothing more to say about the game considering that it's a game with nothing more than 4 maps and the same mediocre gameplay with differente characters.