DoTA 2 would be just as appropriate a name as League of Legends.
For those who have played DoTA, this review will help you understand the changes and similarities between LoL and DoTA:
Similarities: Lane pushing, different hero types, team play, destruction of the enemy "throne".
Changes: A much more heavy emphasis on team-play in this game. Yes, there are assassin type characters. In general however, even if one person becomes "fed", he or she will still have a very difficult time bringing down the enemy team on their own. You cannot carry your team as easily as you once did in DoTA. This is simply a fact. No more Denying either; this technical skill is no longer required in this hero arena type game. This is very hit or miss for old school DoTA players. Myself, I like the change, I thought denying was stupid (before you flame me, yes I could deny really well, but it gave me a ridiculous advantage over newbs who had no idea what was going on), and because denying is no longer an issue, you should expect to see more balanced games in terms of hero levels.
League of Legends is basically DoTA 2.0. I know not everyone will agree with this statement, but the way I see it, LoL took all the good aspects of its predecessor and kept them, forcing the game to be far more team based. Some will like this, some won't. Myself, I think it's a good thing to work with a team, being that the game relies on 5on5 matches at the time anyway (other kinds of maps are in development, there is a 3v3 beta map out).
I have found that many of my DoTA mates have very extreme reactions to this game. They either love it, or hate it. I'm in the former crowd myself, and I urge you, before you make your judgement on this game, to check out the league of legends website to give it a try. It's free anyway!