The Best DoTA Experience!!! i played this game more than 1000 hours i bet and never bored now come and read my rewiew!!!

User Rating: 10 | League of Legends PC
First.DoTA is hard to learn and hard to master. But LoL is easy to learn hard to master. Like buying items are much easier in LoL. There Are Item trees. You dont have to go to other shop then to other then to other then to other then to other then to other then to other then to other then to other then to other then to other then to other Shop.Than DoTA is a bit soul game i mean no colour but in LoL you think you can do whatever you want. Dont join the game just for a bit kiddy graphics.At gameplay LoL is the last point. AND I HATE DISABLE!!!! I cant get any god damn gold cuz of disabling. And i wasted my god damn 30 bucks on HoN. But its in that hon sucks more than dota.

so the rankings:
LoL>DoTA>Pac-Man>HoN xD