Hard but Amazing game depite what GS seems to think, Just read the review.
If you haven't played DotA you will find the concept very new and at first quite frustrating. However if you find it engaging enough and/or like a challenge you will soon find out just how great this game is.
The learning curve is very steep and I recommend playing 1 or 2 games against bots in practice mode before venturing in to the muliplayer. The game is very complicated and while the tutorial explains the very basics of the game nothing will prepare you for just how deep the mechanics of the game go.
As you play you will earn experience and influence points, expirience gains you levels and with Influence points aka IP you can buy most of the stuff you need (Champion skins are only available through Riot Points which cost money). The game is free and you can buy anything that influences the way the game plays with IP and only skins are available through RP only making this a true free game.
The look of the game is very unique, bright colors and cartoon-ish design might sound cheap but they work very well for this game, it gives the game a very fresh and light feel to it. You might try to say they tried to copy the style from games such as Borderlands but if they did they did it well and it fits perfectly with the games atmosphere.
The sound is well made and much like it's visuals they only add to it quirky feel and help get you immersed in to the non-stop action from the begging of the game straight to the end and will make 45 (avarege length of one game) or so minutes fly by.
One downside is in order to be air to your team-mates you should make sure you have enough time to complete a game as leaving a game mid session will not grant you any reward and will only annoy your team mates.
So overall a game like no other very original and fresh and most of all free.
so If I have convinced you to give it a try please register using this link as a reward for my review :):