Great game for both Casual and Hardcore players alike! From the creators of the DotA Allstars Warcraft 3 Mod!
At the beginning of a match, your Champion (the character you choose to use in battle) starts out at level 1, and has 475 gold to spend. As you progress through the match, you can max out at level 18, and are able to gain more gold for better items to boost up health, damage, mana, ability power, etc. There are currently only a few game types: 3v3, 5v5, and custom. Custom games can be used for practice against bots, or 1v1 battles.
At the end of a match, you will gain IP and XP based on your performance. XP works like experience in any other game, but is put toward's your Summoner level instead of your champion's level. With the gain of Summoner levels, you gain new spells, rune slots, and mastery points to boost up your champions. IP which stands for Influence Points, is the in-game currency. It is used to buy things like Champions, and Runes to boost you up. Also on top of Influence points, you have the oppurtunity to buy Riot Points (RP) with a credit card, paypal, or pre-paid game card in order to buy champions quicker, and also can buy skins to customize your champions.
Each Champion has their own sets of abilities, as well as their own strengths and weeknesses.This can be good for team play, but can also suffer if you are matchmaking solo, as alot of people tend to focus more on a champion that will make themselves good, instead of the team good.
-Fun gameplay.
-Alot of different champions, making your playstyle the way you choose.
-Great Community (minus a few people who blame everyone but themselves as to why the team lost)
-Constant content being released (Champions, skins, etc.)
-One person can make a team fail.
-IP takes a long time to gain, making it a bit of a grindfest at points.
-Currently, DPS (damage per second) champion teams rule the battlefield, instead of well balanced teams (Tank, Support, DPS, Carrier, and Chaser)
Overall I give this game a 9/10.