Its alright, could be better, but definitely addicting

User Rating: 7.5 | League of Legends PC
Unfortunately, the balance issue always makes people frustrated. The usual "flavor of the month" usually comes to be the one to get a super nerf soon. While constantly releasing new champs does spice game up a bit, some older champs gets overshadowed, making playing those seems almost like a bad choice, not saying they got nerfed, its just something is better for that role now makes those older ones bad. Also hate it when some old too strong champs suddenly got reduced to rubbles (twitch in particular, yes he deserved a nerf hammer but not to the point of trash). Not saying people can't play these champs well, I've seen people do work, but really, not much point in playing them unless you want to mess around.

Level system works well, but really, how fair is it to get a person with flash ignite on the enemy team while you at best can take ghost and heal. Some chars is fine with non-flash ignite set ups. But that flash on some mages are so crucial, not giving early level players to actually get full feel of the skills they could use until they played 40 games or so does feel strange (assuming 50% win ratio). Runes and masteries makes a huge difference. if you really combine the combined worth of these bonuses (at level 30 compared to a level 1 summoner) the level 30 have somewhere around 1000-1200 gold advantage. Really terrible when the level 30 rage at the lower levels because the lower levels are feeding and the level 30 duo queued with 1-2 really low level friend. The real issue is that the lower levels had to put up with higher enemy team level advantages.

Community could be better. LoL is not a great place for new players to start. up until level 10-15, you see quite a lot of smurfs. They will rage a lot even if they are the ones feeding, however a new player generally will feed too. But the smurfs will keep raging (like dota and HON since it is team games) a lot, sometimes discourages new players playing further. Even so, I think community is at least better than HON. If there is a rager in the team, it is probably because his main account got banned for raging too much, just report and don't let this discourage you from playing this game.

Last flaw would probably be the AI. You learn almost nothing from them. Strongly encourage new players to play few AI games to learn all the items. Learning how to play a champion is best played against real players in normal games. You learn a lot more against normal players when you are trying to modify the suggested items.

Aside from these flaws, LoL got decent graphics, a lot easier to pick up than HoN or DotA, high player base, report function (the tribunal), and cash shop not interfering with game play.

Overall despite its major flaws, I believe LoL is a pretty darn good f2p game, but I give it a 7.5