Amazing Free to Play fun!

User Rating: 9.5 | League of Legends PC
League of Legends is nowadays a free to play strategy game made by Riot Games. I have played this game since it gone free to play. My first thoughts about this game were like "this may get boring soon",but it hasn't got. I still like to play this game. League of Legends may be hard for starter players,but when you learn to play it,you will be enjoying it. The nice thing about this is game is that game is free to play,unless you wan't to buy skins or boosts to your account. There are many champions in this game,you can buy those with Riot Points or with IP. You get IP when you play game,but Riot Points you must buy. Riot publishes almost very week a new champion. And Riot changes every week free champions that you can try. Gameplay is quite simple,there are lanes where you need to be and kill minions away from your way and then destroy enemies turrets and basement. You can use jungle to kill neural minions for gold or buffs. You can gank your enemies with a group. With gold you can buy items which help you to win the game. There are also Runes which you can buy,they boost your stats. Graphics aren't so amazing in this game,but they look nice. This game is very nice to play with friend when you get hooked on it .