Riot Games makes an effort to talk to the community and lives up to their desire to be the most player-centered company.

User Rating: 8.5 | League of Legends PC
I've played DotA before and have tried several kinds of MOBA (as they are called now) including League of Legends, DOTA 2, HoN, and even some of the more obscure ones such as Awsomenauts (It's like a MOBA). League of Legends was the 1st company-owned MOBA I played and I loved it. From the diverse range of characters filled with obscure references to Summoner's Rift and the Baron Nashor.

Community: Like all gaming communities, LoL has it share of trolls and rage-filled pre-pubescent children, but with the Tribunal system where players judge other players many of these people get banned. Even for those who got banned mistakenly, Riot Games quickly responds to these incidents and rectifies the problem. Regardless of which game, all games have trolls, but Riot Games does its best to minimize the pain. 9/10

Character Diversity: LoL has (as of Aug 4, 2012) 101 playable champions. Ranging from giant fat drunks to midget mummies, LoL has plenty of diverse champions to play as. If you like the sexy feel, LoL has plenty of barely-clothed ladies to play as. If your into the creepy and gross stuff, LoL has acid vomiting caterpillars and a stitched-together fat cyborg that needs a shirt. 9/10

Map Design: As of now, there are 4 maps that can played on, the most major of which is Summoner's Rift, a giant 3 lane 5v5 map with 2 jungles of creeps (albeit they are the same on both sides) and 2 large boss-monsters to face of against. Although cool and awesome the first few times the map quickly gets somewhat boring as you will spend 90% of your games here. Twisted Treeline is the 2 lane 3v3 map that has shorter games but lacks a large player-base (you'll still get games, but less people play). Next is Dominion the super hyped-up map that was supposed to revolutionize MOBA. Although looking interesting and having a unique concept, the player-base died down quickly (queue times can last up to 10 minutes), Finally is the newest addition is the Proving Grounds a one lane map that was previously only used for tutorials, but is now a full fledged map and popularly used for ARAMs (ARAMS are games where all players choose a random character and all go into the same lane and have to stay there until they die, which is the only time they can buy items). Overall, everyone players Summoner's Rift. Although map designs take a large amount of time and thought Riot has yet to release a map that can match the classic Summoner's Rift's popularity. 6/10

Music: It's the same fleshed-out track every time. Login music can vary, but if you watch streamers, they usually all have Pandora going on in the background. 2/10

Balance: LoL's new champions are usually always over powered compared to all other champions. Although this creates a lack of balance, Riot usually nerfs the champion in the following patch (which are frequent). They also constantly seek to balance all champions, although they go to far sometimes. Champions that die off usually get a rework (eventually). Riot however does listen to the community and since the worker's themselves play the game they can understand where the community is coming from. 8/10

Pay2Win: LoL is far from a pay to win game. Unlike some games where players can pay up cash to gain unfair advantages LoL's in-game money IP can be used to purchase all champions (even though some require a huge amount) and anything that can increase your chances of winning can also be bought with IP. LoL's currency from real-world money is RP and is also used to purchase champions, but aside from that the only other things that can be bought are skins (cosmetic changes to your champion) and boosts to earning IP or EXP (experience points in LoL have nothing to do with your in-game experience other than to unlock a few things such as masteries which give small stat bonuses and rune slots which also give stat bonuses), but EXP can be earned regardless if you have a boost or not, and runes can only be purchased with IP (as far as I know).' 10/10

AI: Riot has Co-op vs. AI games and can be used to practice against. AI comes in 2 levels: Beginner and Intermediate. Beginner can be won easily so long as you have common-sense (you'd be surprised just how dumb some people can be) and overall requires little to no skill at all to win. So long as you aren't being an idiot and run headfirst into turrets (structures that deal massive damage to enemies). Intermediate requires a decent amount of skill, and unlike Beginner, also requires a certain amount of teamwork. Unlike Beginner, where a single person can fairly easily carry his/her team to victory, Intermediate requires at the very least a basic amount of teamwork i.e. showing up to teamfights or otherwise avoiding them together. Intermediate can be a challenge to mid-level players. 7/10

Overall LoL is a fun game, and since there are a large amount of team combinations the game rarely gets old and is overall a fairly enjoyable game, but should not be played by those who intend to only play PvP but never learn how to play the game well.