Such a simple idea but really well executed, perhaps the best use of Kinect I have seen so far!

User Rating: 9.5 | Leedmees X360
This game took me by suprise as I hadn't read or heard anything about it before seeing it in the Xbox Live Arcade this week. Curious (and not expecting much) I downloaded the trial. Within minutes I had bought the game! 800 points will never be spent in a better way mark my words!

The game is a simple enough idea, perhaps a simplified version of lemmings would be the best way to describe it; the goal being to guide the little fellows known as "leedmees" from a start point to an end point...the real fun is the use of Kinect which means your body IS the level and only means of getting the little guys from point A to point B. It takes skill, thinking and reactions as well as a gentle touch - one accidentally aggressive move and you'll squash them! (Though this just adds to the hilarity!).

Where this game really comes alive though is having a buddy by your side, 2 players having to work very much together to get through each level. I can honestly say I have not had so much fun playing a game on Kinect before. It just works (unlike 90% of the Kinect catalog).

The graphics are simple but nice, its hard not to find the whole experience very cute and fun, but don't let that fool you into thinking its for kids, its got some very tricky moments in it.

The only gripe I've found is sometimes getting down very low to pick a leedmee up from the floor, the sensor loses track of you momentarily. Luckily the leedmees aren't as stupid as they first seem and often jump up and grabbing on to your arm if it is low enough.

To conclude, this game may go on to be an undiscovered gem if Microsoft or Konami don't do more to raise it's awareness. If you have kinect get the trial and see what you think. Remember 2 player is where the real fun is at though so get some friends round