Everything you wanted from L4D 1 wrapped in crunchy gaming bacon. Buy this guy just to mow down zombies with a chainsaw!

User Rating: 10 | Left 4 Dead 2 PC
It's improved on everything. Melee weapons, more guns, bigger and badder levels, WAY, WAY more zombies. There are A LOT of zombies to kill. The level concepts are fun and original and the new infected are fun to play. 3/5 of the finales are much improved over the original L4D, with the other 2 being the standard hold out until you're rescued ending. The settings feel more natural and it definitely feels like **** is going down out here in the real world. Additional perks like gun power-ups add to the fun. Laser sights make your guns WAY accurate and the new ammo types are fun. Defibing your dead teammates is another new addition that adds a new depth of gameplay. You can't carry a defibrilator and a medkit at the same time, nor can you carry ammo upgrade packs and a medkit at the same time. The chainsaw RULES. It sucks that it has limited ammo but man is it so fun to use. Buy this game and you won't look back.