Not for the single player, Multi-player fun often depends on your teamates

User Rating: 9.5 | Left 4 Dead PC
This game is more than good if you love co-op multi-player, something I really haven't been able to do much of since the Sega Genesis and SNES era. I really haven't done much versus, but that's pretty fun too if you want the achievements. Especially back when I was playing the Xbox version, you would notice alot of people thinking it was even possible to play this game by themselves, they'd let their other teammates die and do stuff like running ahead. Of course neither of us would survive. Luckily there is no penalty for jumping into a game with a-holes who don't support the team. You can vote them out or leave and find another game.

I won't go into details about the play, there are a million places you can go for that, but I will say there seem to be differences between the PC version and the Xbox version. The A.I. seems about the same, but the Director seems a little bit more varied and random in the PC version. In the Xbox version, you kind of knew that the Tank or the Witch would show up at a certain part. One thing that surprised me, my accuracy doesn't seem to go up with a mouse. I can get more head shots if I tried, but mostly your just trying to keep the zombies off of you anyway.

This game is great, but for the anti-social, there is nothing here for them.