Anyone who is a fan of zombie games or co-op/multiplayer fps will love this game

User Rating: 9.5 | Left 4 Dead X360
1st of lets start with wats good about this game lets see where to begin well the graphics for 1 are pretty decent maybe not revolutonary but they get the job done i dont know about u but i always prefer a game with decent graphics that runs smooth compared to an amazing looking game with a horrible frame rate especially with all da things goin on in L4D (tons of zombies,explosions, and split screen works perfectly too). As for the gameplay wat makes this so amazing is not just the huge hoards of infected u fight off or da amazing online play but the in-game AI Director that makes every run through a scenario different for example if u happen to be playing great blowing through infected just owning the director will make even huger hoards appear more often, place less items in the game and make a tank maybe even two appear(1 earlier than the other not at the same time) and probably place a witch in the worst spot possible, its just amazing how u can never know wat will happen each time u play.

Now onto the slighlty bad stuff (because i really feel there isnt anythin wrong with this game IMO but thats just me)
Now there are 2 things they could've made better, 1 is the amount of chapters, there are only 4 in total which may seem like a lil bit but honestly up till now i havent been able to complete a single chapter (in expert),which isnt necesseraly a bad thing because this game is so addictive, but they seem to be solving this by makin new scenarios available through DLC some time later still TBA, The 2nd problem is the Friendly AI they seem to be a bit laid back making u lead all the time which puts u in danger to be attacked 1st most of the time but they arent as bad as every1 makes them out to be actual human players are better though (sometimes).

Final Verdict-9.4
Ultimately this game will keep u entertained for quite a while and with all the DLC comin 4 it should be entertaining to just about any gamer out there