Should this game be left for the dead, or should it remain amongst the living? Find out in my review...

User Rating: 8.5 | Left 4 Dead X360
Hmmm… want a story plot for Left 4 Dead? Well….alright if you really want it. Here I go. Left 4 Dead is about a group of survivors, four to be exact, that are….uhhh….left four dead in a city overrun by zombies. Wow, I guess the title pretty much tells you what the game is about. A bit ironic don't you think that two little words (three if you count the number four), can sum up the entire plot of a game. To tell you the truth, there really isn't a story driving this game, so if you were hoping for a zombified epic with beastly characters, emotional zombies, and Chris Redfield (guy from Resident Evil series) then you my friend, are looking at the wrong game.

Left 4 Dead is a 1st person zombie shooter. So what exactly do you do in the game? Shoot zombies…..DUH!!! Left 4 Dead is a pretty average shooter if you compare it to other games like Halo 3, Resistance 2, Gears of War 2, and Call of Duty 4. But there's one thing that Left 4 Dead has that those other games don't, living (sort of), breathing (not really), butt ugly (not too ugly) zombie hordes that want nothing but your flesh and bones, mostly flesh. Defending yourself from hordes of zombies while trying to keep your pituitary glands (armpit) from excreting too much fluid is a jaw dropping good time. You can also play co-op with your weak hearted friends and enjoy blasting your way through 4 levels of zombie mayhem. You also have the option to play as the beloved zombies you are so fond of shooting, and compete on 4 on 4 matches. Humans v.s. Zombies. To sum it all up, Left 4 Dead is brain eating fun.

Left 4 Dead doesn't exceed the boundaries graphical wise. The graphics look pretty dull, and the in-game levels look recycled and boring. But maybe that's just me and my rotting brain talking. At times the levels became so dark, even with a flashlight, that I had no idea where I was or what I was being attack by. I'm not sure about you, but when I kill something I want to actually see it. Oh well, at least I have some zombies to comfort me.

The sound design on the other hand was spectacular. Listening to the groans of a mob of zombies approaching my proximity was probably one of the best moments in the game. The voice acting was well done and matched the characters perfectly, but I did get annoyed when they kept repeating the same lines over and over. After you hear the characters shout "reloading!" for the 100th time your insanity may drop…just a little.

Overall: Left 4 Dead is a bloody, gory, zombie fest of a good time. If you are even remotely interested in shooting off body parts of the not so undead, then this game is for you!